Saturday, September 12, 2009


Sorry for the random organization here but I can't figure out how to get them in a better order right now and internet cafe closes at 11:30 on Saturdays.....
My house in Serowe
There are 5 others just like in a row, I have the first one.
3 bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living room,
quite spacious for one person (but plenty of rooms for visitors, hint, hint)
Classic bird on rhino picture
They were so intent on eating their grass, they did not seem to notice us even though we were about 10 feet away!  A good thing since they can be dangerous if mad!
(Don't think this one needs a caption you all know what this is ;)
My living room
The kitchen.  On the wall by the circuit board is the electricity unit.  I have to go and buy a electricity for the month and then enter a code in the box, which then supplies electrcity for the alloted killowatt hours.
A sunset view of the village from the top of a hill near the town center. 
It actually goes on for quite a distance.
Goats (and cows) are everywhere here.  They are definitely free range!  Here are some walking across the main road in the town center.  Apparently they all belong to someone and they find their way back to their respective farms (I'm not sure how).


  1. So glad to see some pictures! The house looks great! And those rhinos are so cool! Also, I love giraffes...Hope you get to go see them often!

  2. I really wish I could come visit! I'm not sure it's in the budget at the moment. Sigh. Someday.
