Sunday, February 7, 2010

Teen Club

The first Teen Club event of the new year was the last Saturday in January.  A record number of teens turned out, 137!  As usual we split them into two groups (13-15 and 16-19).  The older group did a lesson on communication.  For the younger group it was Sports Day!  Several adult volunteers and I, took about 80 13-15 year-olds to a nearby field.  We started off with a huge game of Red Rover, Red Rover (above).  And then they broke into groups based on which sports they wanted to play.  There was net ball (kinda like basket ball), tennis, volleyball, football (soccer) and even hula hooping and jump rope.  I played football and was really no match for most of the kids.  Luckily the weather cooperated.  After days of torrential downpours alternating with oppressive sun, we managed to have our sports day on an overcast day with no rain.  As a result it was only about 85/90 degrees with a nice breeze!  The kids all had fun.  The best part about days like that is no one would know that any of these children have a chronic disease and they just get to have a great time!

On a random note, I thought you all might appreciate some pictures of the neighborhood equivalent to raccoons.  Yes they are monkeys!  The spend their days eating the garbage, swinging from the telephone lines, and chasing each other across the roof.  Every once in awhile I will hear what sounds like thunder and is actually monkeys running across the roof.  One of the other doctors left her door open for 15 mins to get some fresh in the house and the next thing she knew 5 monkeys were in her house eating her bread and peeing all over her kitchen!  They had climbed through the bugler bars and were having a grand old time! Not so fun to clean up, but at the same time hard to get mad when they are so darn cute!  They remind me of the children's book "Caps for Sale".

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