Saturday, August 6, 2011

Flashback: My Last Teen Club :(

When teens are asked what topics they want to learn about at Teen Club, sexual issues are often first on the list.  There are numerous myths and misconceptions all over the world when it comes to sex.  This is especially true in a conservative country like Botswana where teachers, caregivers, and even some healthcare workers are reluctant to talk openly with teenagers, deeming this topic inappropriate and unnecessary for adolescents. I was asked to play an active role in planning a Teen Club about sex so that the Teen Club staff could make sure that all the information which was presented was medically correct.  The planning sessions became a bit tense in the weeks leading up to the event, as some of the clinic staff did not feel that it was appropriate to have such a discussion with the teens.  However, after much debate it was acknowledged that this is a critical subject for all teens and that Teen Club is probably they only place they are going to get to have their questions answered in an open, honest and medically correct way.

In preparation for this discussion/forum, teens were notified a month earlier that the June Teen Club would be about sex, giving them enough time and opportunity to prepare questions. The team placed a visible box in the clinic for them to write down anonymous questions about sex and sexual health.

On the day of the event, teens were divided into the usual two groups (13-15 and 16-19 year olds).  For the younger teens we had 3 stations: playing games; dispelling myths (as you can see me explaining above); and a short discussion on puberty and importance of abstinence.   The teens rotated from station to station every 40 minutes.  There was concern that that some might not be mature enough for the topics, but once again they surprised us with their maturity, concentration, and engagement with the subject.

During the short discussion on puberty we taught them about the normal changes that the body goes through, as they get older, the importance of abstinence and the need for protection when abstinence is impossible. We also answered many of the questions they had about sexual issues and puberty.  During the myths/facts session the teens were given a myth and asked to go to the area of the courtyard corresponding to their feelings about the myth (true, false, or don’t know).   We then discussed the answers in detail, dispelling such myths as “two condoms are better than one” (two condoms are NOT better than one!) and “a girl cannot get pregnant if she has sex standing up” (She CAN!)  which are two common myths in Botswana.

The older teens had male and female condom demonstrations led by three wonderful volunteers from the Ministry of Health (MOH), who volunteered their time and expertise on a Saturday. Their experience is extensive – they have conducted demonstrations all over Botswana in many different settings from schools to community centers to other public gatherings.  

Teens were divided based on gender, in an effort to encourage more open discussion and stimulate questions. Most were eager to share what they thought to be correct information about condoms and their use. The demonstrations certainly stimulated questions ranging from myths of pregnancy and changes the body goes through during puberty to more complex issues such as age of sexual debut and perceived ideas about the roles of a man and a woman in a relationship.

Then all the older teens were brought together and their questions were answered (both those they had placed in the question box and those which they came up with on the spot).  Once encouraged these young men and women were eager to take the opportunity to ask and demystify concepts about sex and sexual health. Due to time constraints we were unable to answer every single question and will definitely have to have more sessions on this topic in the future.

All in all, the event went better than the team expected.  The teens were serious and mature about discussing the subject, even more so than many adults when placed in similar situations. We felt their appreciation through their enthusiastic participation, eager concentration, and mature disposition.  

At the end of the event, the teens surprised us with a dance number and kind words to say goodbye to me and Gelane as it was our last teen club.  We both expressed to them how much we had learned from them and how their strength and resilience are truly an inspiration to all. 

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