Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One Giant Leap

Happy 40th Anniversary of the first ever moon walk!
I spent the weekend exploring Houston sites. It seemed like a fitting weekend to go to the Houston Space Center. While there, we learned all about how astronauts live in space (sponge baths for 6 mths, etc), saw historic mission control, and found out how much we would weigh on several different planets.
This is a picture of historic mission control which they used until 1996! We couldn't see the current one since a mission is ongoing right now...

Other weekend highlights included a free outdoor concert which was packed with people. It was in Herman Park which is a really nice park in the city and they even have a miniature Washington monument!On Sunday a group of us explored the Menil Collection. It is a museum created by the deMenils (a wealthy couple in Houston who collected a lot of art). They also commissioned two chapels to be built! One is The Rothko Chapel which houses several large painting by Mark Rothko. Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter, and others have spoken at the chapel. It was quite a diverse collection of art; everything from figurines from 500 BCE to abstract art from today. There were even a few outdoor sculptures.

We then found the best restaurant so far in Houston, Ruggles Green! It is Houston's first certified green restaurant and it was delicious with lots of veggie options. All in all a great weekend!


  1. Woah, that historic mission control is crazy! See you tomorrow!!

  2. Hope your trip went well... was it really long. MIss ya already
